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Bayesian Synthetic Control Methods Example

less than 1 minute read


In this post, I test the Bayesian Synthetic Control Model presented in Kim et al (2020) using both simulated data and the “smoking” data set from Abadie et al (2010). The BSC.pdf slides provide background on synthetic controls, compare standard synthetic control to BSCM and explain the example provided in the markdown file “”. References are provided at the end of the pdf slides.

Instrumental Variables FAQ

4 minute read


What makes a valid instrument?

A valid instrument must be exogeneous and a strong predictor of the explanatory variable of interest. For an instrument to be considered exogenous, it must be uncorrelated with the error term in the regression model. This means it does not have a direct relationship on the dependent variable, but only affects the dependent variable through our endogenous regressor. Our instrument is considered strong when it is a strong predictor of our endogenous regressor (has a high correlation).



An Empirical Generalization of the Effects of Category Captainship

Abstract: “This paper makes use of Nielsen data to investigate the generalizability of category captainship and its impact on retailers. Category captainship is when a retailer selects a category captain to manage the product line assortment and optimization for all of the brands within a category, including the retailer’s private label and captain’s own brand. This has been shown to be optimal for the retailer and the captain and not as detrimental to the other brands as might be expected. But does this phenomenon generalize across many retailers? What characteristics attenuate the success of the practice across retailers?”

Recommended citation: "Does Category Captainship Work?," Jeffrey P. Dotson, Yasin Alan, Mumin Kurtulus, Marc Dotson, Morgan Bale, and Cameron Bale. Work in Progress.



MKTG 367: Data-Driven Digital Marketing

Instructor, Drexel University, Marketing

“This course will provide students with an overview of the rapidly-emerging field of digital marketing. Since digital marketing is constantly changing, students will become proficient at learning about new digital marketing platforms, how each channel is used to communicate with customers and be able to develop a list of key questions to ask about any new marketing medium. Because data and analytics are an important component of digital marketing, students will also become proficient at using data to evaluate a marketing campaign. One of the best ways to assess marketing strategies is through A/B testing and students will become expert at planning, analyzing and reporting A/B tests. We will also discuss strategies for integrating data-based decision making into organizations.”